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Gold Glitter Playdough for St. Patrick’s Day

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You guys know we love playdough and slime in this house, and I have another fun playdough for you to make! This gold glitter playdough is perfect for St. Patrick’s Day! I love adding glitter to playdough. We have another St. Patrick’s Day playdough that is green with green and gold glitter. Glitter always makes things more fun.

A ball of playdough with gold glitter, and some gold coins.

Here are the supplies you’ll need for this playdough recipe.

This dough does require a little bit of cooking, but it could not be easier to make.

How to Make Gold Glitter Playdough

Step 1: Start by combining all of the ingredients into a large pot. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently.

Whisking playdough mixture in a mixing bowl.

Step 2: After a few minutes, the dough will begin to solidify. Keep stirring until the dough forms a ball.

Cooking playdough mixture in a pot

Step 3: Remove from the heat. If the dough is too sticky to handle, try flouring your hands, as well as adding a couple tbsp of flour at a time. Mix it in with your hands until the dough is no longer too tacky.

Colorless playdough mixture on a cutting board

Step 4: Next, knead your glitter into the dough. I recommend adding a little glitter at a time until it is all incorporated.

glitter sprinkled over the playdough mixture

There you have your shiny gold glitter playdough!

A ball of playdough with gold glitter

Lucky gold coins and shamrock-shaped cookie cutters are always favorites when it comes to St. Patrick’s Day playdough at our house.

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Yield: 1 giant ball of dough

Gold Glitter Playdough

Gold Glitter Playdough

This gold glitter playdough is perfect for St. Patrick's Day, or even New Years! It is such a fun way for kids to develop those fine motor skills and boost their creativity.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Active Time 20 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Difficulty Easy


  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1/2 tbsp cream of tartar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4-1/2 cup gold glitter


  • A large pot
  • A whisk
  • A spatula for folding together the playdough


  1. Start by combining all of the ingredients into a large pot. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently.
  2. After a few minutes, the dough will begin to solidify. Keep stirring until the dough forms a ball.
  3. Remove from the heat. If the dough is too sticky to handle, try flouring your hands, as well as adding a couple tbsp of flour at a time. Mix it in with your hands until the dough is no longer too tacky.
  4. Next, knead your glitter into the dough. I recommend adding a little glitter at a time until it is all incorporated.

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