Pumpkin Playdough Recipe (and APPLE!)

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I have a super fun post for the mamas today- I’m sharing how we made Fall playdough this weekend! This post has a pumpkin playdough recipe, and an apple playdough recipe! A little pumpkin pie spice, apple pie spice, and cinnamon made for some really yummy smelling playdough. This recipe is super simple and you will be having fun in no time.

Pumpkin Playdough Recipe (and APPLE!)

Ok, so here’s what we used to make our playdough-

  • 1 1/2 cups flour, plus some extra
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 1 tbsp cream of tartar
  • 2 tbsp of either pumpkin pie or apple pie spice, depending on your desired scent
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup water
  • Red and yellow food coloring (just red for apple playdough!)
Pumpkin Playdough Recipe (and APPLE!)

Step 1: To start, heat a large pot on medium low, and dump all of your dry ingredients in, minus 1/2 cup of the flour.

Pumpkin Playdough Recipe (and APPLE!)

Step 2: Next add your food coloring to the 1 cup water- I used about 15 drops of red for the apple dough and I used 10 drops of red and 5 or 6 drops of yellow for the pumpkin.

Step 3: Then, add all the wet ingredients to the pot and stir. Stir for a few minutes to mix well, then add in the final 1/2 cup of flour.

Within just a minute or two your dough should start to form. Once it becomes hard to stir, dump your dough onto a plate or cutting board to cool.

Pumpkin Playdough Recipe (and APPLE!)

Step 4: Once your dough cools slightly, flour your hands and add some extra flour into the dough. Knead your dough until the consistency is right and it is no longer sticky. Your dough is ready to enjoy!

Next, I have some super cute Fall playdough mats for your to print and laminate for your little ones, too.

To download these, sign up for my email list below, you’ll get access to my library of printables for kids when you do-

Pumpkin Playdough Recipe (and APPLE!)

My boys really enjoyed playing with this fun playdough and getting into the Fall spirit. I hope that you enjoy this recipe.

Yield: 1

Pumpkin Playdough Recipe

Pumpkin Playdough Recipe

How to make pumpkin playdough- or apple! These are so much fun for Fall.

Prep Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Difficulty Easy


  • 1 1/2 cups flour, plus some extra
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 1 tbsp cream of tartar
  • 2 tbsp of either pumpkin pie or apple pie spice, depending on your desired scent
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup water
  • Red and yellow food coloring (just red for apple playdough!)


  • Large pot
  • Spoon


    1. To start, heat a large pot on medium low, and dump all of your dry ingredients in, minus 1/2 cup of the flour.
    2. Next add your food coloring to the 1 cup water- I used about 15 drops of red for the apple dough and I used 10 drops of red and 5 or 6 drops of yellow for the pumpkin.
    3. Then, add all the wet ingredients to the pot and stir. Stir for a few minutes to mix well, then add in the final 1/2 cup of flour. Within just a minute or two your dough should start to form. Once it becomes hard to stir, dump your dough onto a plate or cutting board to cool.
    4. Once your dough cools slightly, flour your hands and add some extra flour into the dough. Knead your dough until the consistency is right and it is no longer sticky. Your dough is ready to enjoy!

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