
2020 Goal Setting Worksheets

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Hey friends! It is my favorite time of year again and I’m so excited to be sharing my new 2020 goal setting worksheets with you. I’ve got my usual yearly goal setting sheets, plus some new additions that I’ve added as I’ve gotten into quarterly planning and made that a part of my goal setting strategy this year.

You can get the full set of printables, here.

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First, I’ve got the “Big Plans” sheet updated for 2020, here you can set your goal, define your why, write down a couple of ways reaching that goal will change your life, plus map out things you need to do as soon as possible, a short term action plan, a long term action plan, and more action steps to take.

You can get the “Big Plans” printable free when you sign up for my email list below!

If you are already a subscriber, it might not resend the email with the free printables library, but just search “[email protected]” in your inbox and you should find where you have already received it.


Plus, check out the video flip through I did of this printable set.

These printables are only available in letter size, but I do have a few tutorials for other ways to use them.

I have a tutorial here on how to resize it for the Happy Planner or to clip into your Erin Condren planner. Also, there’s a tutorial here on how to take these PDFs and add them to your digital planner!

Next, I have the “My Goals” sheet where you can take different areas of your life- think friendships, marriage, parenting, work or business, health, etc… and write out a few things you’d like to accomplish in each area.

The Monthly Goal Breakdown sheet allows you to take your big goal and break it down month by month. I use weight loss as an example in my video, and that if I want to lose 60 lbs in one year, I need to break that down and get my goal for each month, which would be 5 lbs a month over 12 months. Then, you can add action steps such as changing eating habits, adding in exercise, or any other specific step you’d like to focus on for that month.

The Daily Tasks sheet allows you to think about the daily habits you need to implement to reach your goal, make a list, then check them off each day for a month. This is a great way to track things like drinking water, exercising, eating on plan, etc… for the example of a weight loss goal.

Next, the “Setting SMART Goals” sheet helps you to take your goal and make sure it is SMART- that is specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timely. You can use this page to make sure you have specific goals for the year that have a measuring point to know when you’ve reached them, a deadline, and that they’re realistic for you and the time period you’re setting them for.

Finally, the “Staying Motivated” sheet is a way to write out your goal, your why, and then all of the reasons why you want to accomplish this goal. I encourage you to think deeper on this sheet. For example, it’s easy to say we want to lose weight or eat better so that we can look better, etc… but if we’re honest with ourselves, that stuff isn’t really motivating long term, and I prefer to focus on things like, having more energy to keep up with my kids, living longer to be here for my kids, etc… when it comes to health goals. There’s always a bigger reason than just the surface stuff for the goals we want to reach, so you can take some time to think about those and write them down so you can reference them when you are running low on motivation.

The remaining printables for this year and new, and I was inspired to add these after reading The 12 Week Year by Brian Moran. I love listening to these books on audible, and also have a goal this year to listen to one book a week, whether that’s something personal development related, parenting, or even fiction.

First up is the Quarterly Goal Sheet where you can write out your quarterly goal, any resources you need to reach it, a plan for how to get there, and any potential obstacles you might face. I love planning for obstacles so that when things start to go sideways in your plan you can reference and figure out quickly how to get back on track.

Then, I have another Quarterly Goal sheet where you can take your big quarterly goal and break it down week by week for 12 weeks. You can write out smaller goals to reach, action steps, and more.

Next, the weekly plan gets you focused for the week, you can write your goal for the week, your plan to get there, a plan for any obstacles you might face, and a reward idea if you stick to your plan and reach your goal.

Finally, the Weekly Habits sheet is a great way to write down up to 10 habits that you could do everyday to reach your goal, and then check them off as the week goes by. I find that creating habits really helps me to be consistent, and if you can do it long enough, eventually you form those habits and you don’t even need to write them down any longer because they become second nature. This can be helpful, too, if you fall off the wagon with your goals, to get back on track.

There you have my 2020 Goal Setting worksheets. If you want to get your copy, you can head right over to my Shopify store and grab those. Don’t forget, if you want to try out the “Big Plans for 2020” sheet you can sign up for my email list below and get those sent right to your inbox.


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