Free Printable Journal Paper

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Today I’m sharing some easy to use, free printable journal pages. There are three different PDF file options that you can print and use to put together your own journal, or PNG files pop right into your digital journal or planner. This printable journal paper comes in 3 styles- lined, dot grid, and grid. I made this set in letter size, but you can easily resize it for any planner you want to add it to. These printables are for personal use, but are a great way to create your own journal for bullet journaling, writing prompts,  planning, to-do lists, and more.

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Free Printable Journal Paper

Free printable dot grid paper & more

Dot grid pages are perfect for printing your own bullet journal paper, however, you can print each type of paper to decide what style you like best for journaling and note taking. We included three different styles- lined, dot grid, and classic grid paper.

What paper should I use for a journal?

If you want to know the best paper for printing these, check out our recommendations for the best paper for printing planner inserts. Of course, you can use regular copy paper, as well. It is totally up to you.

How to download this printable journal paper

Download these printable paper options by signing up for our email newsletter. You’ll get access to our library of free printables when you do.


You’ll want to have the free adobe reader in order to view and print the printables.

How to resize this printable paper

You can print this paper in many different page sizes. You just need to adjust your printer settings during the print process to print the size you need. I have a few tutorials, including this one to resize these printables to fit your Happy Planner. You can use this process to resize the paper to any size you need.

How to make your own journal

If you are interested in piecing your own journal together, I highly recommend going with a discbound system such as Tul or Happy Planner. They both offer letter size planner options, you can purchase a fun planner with a cover and dividers to get started, and there are easy hole punching options for both of these planners. I have more recommendations for the best planners you can add pages to, if you need more ideas- you don’t have to use these ideas for planning, they are perfect for journaling and having a central place for your creative outlet.

Free Printable Journal Paper

​Journal ideas- 8 different options

You can create virtually any journal, but if you are wanting to start a journaling practice, here are 8 great ideas.

A gratitude journal– create a journal to write down your daily gratitude practice. You can also doodle, or decorate this journal for a fun way to make practicing gratitude a habit.

A bullet journal– technically, bullet journals can be created for so many different purposes. Bullet journals use symbols for a flexible way to organize thoughts, tasks, notes, and more in a creative way.

A dream journal– having wild dreams? Keeping a dream journal as soon as you wake, and interpreting those dreams is a good way to analyze them.

A mindfulness journal– Is there an area of your life you want to improve? Start by practicing mindfulness around that part of your life. It could be eating, movement, alcohol use, meditation, and more. Anything you are wanting to work towards could use a mindfulness journal, for you to hold yourself accountable. Consider our monthly journaling prompts for your practice.

A travel journal– keep a journal of the fun places you visit and events you attend.

A reading journal– love reading? Keep a reading journal to document your thoughts and experiences reading different books.

A creative writing journal– find fun creative writing prompts to start a writing practice in your daily life. You can use this idea to do fun stories, short poems, to keep track of writing ideas, and more.

A health journal– create a journal just for improving your health. This is a great way to document the things you are doing to improve your health, and to reflect on what is working.

How to print this printable journal paper double sided

For easy double sided printing, print on one side of your paper, say 10 copies or so, and then re-insert the paper to your printer, just make sure it is oriented the right way to print on the other side of the pages. 

These free printables are a wonderful way to print your own note or journal paper for your planner. Whether you want to make your own writing journal using our monthly journal prompts, to keep your creative writing in one place, or to create your own printable junk journal or bullet journal, these pdf format pages are perfect for easy printing. You can print as many of the printable pages as you need.


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