Free Printable A5 Monthly Planner Inserts for 2021

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Hey planner friends! I’ve got a super exciting freebie for you today. I’m offering my 2021 printable A5 monthly planner inserts for free! These are from my etsy shop where I’ve got tons of printables for many different sized planners. I’m adding new printables over there everyday, so be sure and check that out.

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Free Printable A5 Monthly Planner Inserts for 2021

Since we’re not quite to January just yet, I’m also including October-December 2020 so you can start using them right away. These inserts have the month on two page view, and there are notes pages on the back sides so you can add your weekly planner inserts in between if you want. You can see how I set up my A5 planner in my most recent setup update for Fall 2020. Also, if you need other sizes, I have a bundle here that also includes letter size for binders or the BIG Happy Planner, and personal size for personal size planners.

How to Print

Any printer is fine for printing these. You’ll want one that will do duplex or double sided printing, but one that doesn’t can work, too. Here’s how you’ll do it.

  1. Press Print inside Adobe Reader. (free, and recommended for opening PDF files)
  2. Make sure print on both sides of paper is selected.
  3. Select flip on short edge.
  4. Select Print to print your pages.

Or, for single sided printing…

  1. Press Print inside Adobe Reader
  2. Select Print odd pages.
  3. Press Print
  4. Insert the printed pages back into the printer paper tray. Be sure to put the paper back in on the correct side and direction to print correctly on the back side, this may take a couple of test prints to figure out your printer.
  5. Select Print even pages.

To trim these inserts, you’ll just cut them in half, if you are measuring on a paper trimmer, line them up at 5.5 inches. The final inserts are 8.5×5.5 inches.

Also, if printing these is overwhelming to you- I also offer them printed and shipped to you over in my Etsy shop.

What supplies do I need?

I love using a heavier 28 lb paper or 32 lb paper for inserts. For a good paper trimmer, I love this kind. You can only do a couple of pages at a time, but I find it is more accurate than a guillotine trimmer. Any printer is fine, but I just ordered this HP printer so I could sign up for HP Instant Ink and I love it so far!

Download the printable A5 monthly planner inserts

To get these printable inserts, just sign up for my email list below. I hope you enjoy these printable A5 monthly planner inserts for 2021. If you use them be sure to tag me on Instagram @planninginspired


Looking for printed planner inserts?

You can get your inserts printed, hole punched, and shipped to you from my Etsy shop!

Free Printable A5 Monthly Planner Inserts for 2021

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