Best Digital Planner for Beginners | CCM Digitals Review

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So, admittedly, I missed the bus for the whole digital planner craze. I was late getting into these, and really kind of reluctant, just because I love paper planning so much. However, for over a year I kept talking about it, I tried, and failed, to give digital planning a shot on my android tablet, and finally, my husband broke down and got me an iPad Air and an Apple Pencil, and I couldn’t wait to dive into digital planning! Also, I should mention, I know previous versions of the iPad Air did not work with the Apple Pencil, but the newer 3rd generation iPad Air does! So, a quick search on Etsy brought up so many different digital planners, and to be honest, I haven’t looked at many others, simply because I’ve been so impressed with the one I got from CCM Digitals that I haven’t tried any others. Here’s why CCM Digitals planners are perfect for beginners.

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Best Digital Planner for Beginners

digital planner review

For starters, when I downloaded the planner, I was so surprised by all of the instructions that were included, and it was so helpful for me since I knew nothing about my iPad or digital planning. It’s a pretty big learning curve and she helped so much with that. She had instructions on how to download the planner, and then how to use the planner, stickers, and more that were included.

Psst… you can also see my video review of the planner over on my Youtube channel, below.

To get everything on my iPad I downloaded from Etsy onto my computer, opened up the Dropbox file and got everything saved onto the computer, then I uploaded it to Google Drive. You can just use Dropbox, but I have a paid account on Google Drive with a ton of space, so I wanted to save it there. So, I got the Google Drive app on my iPad and saved everything there to open in Goodnotes.

Alright, so let’s look at the planner.

CCM Digitals digital planner review

When you swipe off of the cover, you have a year at a glance page, and a goals page. I LOVE the goals page! From here you can click over to all of the month tabs, and the extra notes section tab.

digital planning for beginners

Then, you’ve got your monthly section, which has a cover page, and a dot grid page. From here, you can click “notes” tab to take you to the dot grid page, and the “budget & trackers” section which brings you to this page-

digital planner on an ipad screen

Each month includes habit and mood trackers, and a place to keep track of your budget. Then, you can click the month tab to go to your monthly view.

The monthly, weekly, and daily view pages are all undated, but she includes stickers in a Goodnotes file that are easy to use to date the planner.

You also have weekly tabs on the top right hand side, so you can go straight to week one, week two, week three, etc…

This is the weekly layout that comes standard in the planner, but she does provide alternatives that are easy to swap out, she has vertical and horizontal more standard layouts, too.

Then, each week has 7 of these awesome daily layouts. I love that not only does she include the hourly breakdown, she also has all of these fun sections on the other side.

After all of the monthly/weekly/daily layouts, this planner includes a notes section (linked at the end after the monthly tabs), that has 10 customizable sections. Inside the notes area you can click to each section linked at the top left hand side. You get an index and can give each section its own theme. I have one for budgeting, meal planning, and more.

Finally, here are the stickers she includes, this file is a Goodnotes file, and you can just lasso the stickers and copy them right into your planner.

I have had so much fun planning with this, and honestly have used it more than any of my paper planners lately. Go over and show CCM Digitals some love and grab you one of the best digital planners, and don’t forget to check out her digital stickers, too!

Check out these other digital planning ideas-

How to Add a PDF to your Digital Planner

Free Digital 12 Week Fitness Journal

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