
Planner Subscription Box Review | Planner Envy Subscription

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Hey planner friends, today I’m back to share a really fun thing I found. I’ve known for years that there were a lot of planner subscription box options, but just for whatever reason never signed up for one. Then, I was browsing around one day and realized you could purchase the Planner Envy subscription box “trial” from their shop on Etsy. This way you can get just one box, see if you like it, and then sign up for the recurring subscription, if you want. So this was the Planner Envy planner subscription box for June 2020.

I also filmed a video of unboxing this, which you can see below.

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planner envy subscription box

Planner Envy Subscription

Okay, so in this box, I received-

  • Easy Peasy Lemon Kit (4 pages)
  • Yellow Floral Kit (4 pages)
  • S’mores Mini Kit (2 pages)
  • Kraft Cleaning Notepad
  • Easy Peasy Lemon Clip
  • Set of 3 Lemon Paper Clips

For this box, I paid $27.60 (the actual subscription option is a few dollars cheaper- $24.90), then I also paid $2.49 sales tax and $3.50 shipping. I ALSO think that when you SUBSCRIBE there is no shipping or sales tax charge. I reached out to them on Instagram to verify, so I’ll update this once I know for sure. But even still, $33.59 that I paid for the single box is well worth it for everything included. I’ve just spotted their August box and ahh, I can’t wait to get it.

planner sticker subscription

Here’s a look at all of the stickers included.

It looks like over in their Etsy shop this June box and the July box have sold out, but you can look at some other recent solo boxes you can pick up here-

And then of course you can go to the Planner Envy website to sign up to have them automatically sent to you each month.

You can also purchase the upcoming box in their Etsy shop, which would be a surprise box.

I love planner stickers and if I bought all of the ones I like I’d never be able to use them all, but I think this box is a really cool way to get several sticker sheets, plus the accessories are so fun. I’m about to go buy the August box now because I really need the fish and star clips included!

I’d love to hear about more subscription boxes that you love for planning, please leave me some suggestions in the comments below. I’m keeping my eyes peeled for the Simply Gilded box to open back up for new subscriptions, too!

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