Free A5 Printable Inserts for Your Planner

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It doesn’t get much better than finding great inserts for your planner, much less when they are free to download and print yourself. Today’s post is full of free a5 printable inserts that are all perfect for your ring bound A5 planner. If you are newer to A5 planners, I have a great post here on how to set up an A5 planner, plus you can check out my most recent A5 planner setup.

free a5 monthly inserts

I love the flexibility of ring bound planners, and how you can totally customize them to create your own perfect planner. You can mix and match any printable inserts you want to create something great for you. There are a lot of free printable inserts available when you search on Google and Pinterest, and I have a lot of free printable inserts here on my blog, as well. If you need to know what paper to use for printing inserts, here are my recommendations for the best paper for planner inserts. Here are some of my favorite printables to add to your A5 planner.

Dated & Undated Agenda Inserts

These printables are dated, you’d use these to create the “agenda” part of your planner where you are planning things by the day, week, or month.

First, I have these 2021 A5 Monthly Dated Inserts, pictured above. They are free, easy to print, and I’ve got directions over in the post on how to print them double sided so you can print and create your own DIY monthly inserts.

free undated a5 monthly inserts

I also have this freebie undated monthly planner insert for A5 planners, in case you want to try an easier to print A5 insert to test the sizing.

Planner Love and Printables has this adorable hand drawn bujo inspired undated insert set in a few different sizes, but there is an A5 version, too.

Pink Bows and Twinkle Toes has this great week on one page undated insert that you can download. It has a horizontal weekly layout and you can view your whole week on one page.

Then, Lovely Planner has a GREAT lined vertical weekly insert in A5 and a few other sizes, it is giving me all of the Happy Planner vibes and I just love the layout.

I have a pretty nice selection of some cute undated weekly inserts for different planners, including some for A5, too.

Finally, I’ve also got this cute undated daily planning page that even has space for you to plan out your day in hourly blocks.

Keeping Track of Responsibilities

My next set of inserts is going to be all of those that help us keep track of our responsibilities. Whether it’s getting dinner on the table every night, living a healthier life, or paying our bills on time. Adulting is no joke, so these inserts will help you keep everything organized.

free a5 monthly bill checklist

I’ve got this free A5 monthly bill checklist here that can help you make sure all of your bills are paid for the month so you can stay on top of your finances.

Next, keep track of your savings with this printable a5 savings tracker, plus there are some tips on saving for the holidays over there, too.

Lovely Planner has this super cute meal planner/food log insert. It is adorable and great for planning family meals or keeping track of your food if you are working on health goals.

Next, Printsbery has some cute grocery list inserts that you can download in A5 to plan out your shopping trips based off your meal plan.

Carrie Elle has an adorable A5 couch to 5k printable tracker if that’s something you are interested in when it comes to your health goals.

A5 Holiday Inserts

There are so many great free A5 printable inserts for organizing and planning for the holidays.

free a5 thanksgiving inserts

I’ve got a great set of free A5 thanksgiving printables to help you organize your meal and more.

I’ve also got a fun a5 Halloween movie bucket list for a fun October for your family, and an a5 Christmas movie bucket list printable, too.

Wendaful has some really cute Christmas inserts, including this A5 Christmas gift list insert.

doaa Inspiring Designs has some cute a5 expenses and shopping printables designed for planning around Halloween.

Carrie Elle has a really cute Easter meal planner printable in A5, plus some great meal plan ideas.

There you have it, I hope you have enjoyed this round up of free A5 printable inserts. There are so many options out there and I highly recommend searching on Pinterest or even Google if you are looking for something specific, I’m sure someone out there has created it.

Also, you might want to consider half letter size printables in your A5 planner. I’ve got a comparison of A5 vs Half Letter, and also some really great Budgeting printables in half letter size you can use.

Be sure to sign up for my email list to get access to my library of all of my free printables in one easy place.


If you need some cute, but functional stickers for your planner, be sure and check out our shop!

free a5 printable inserts

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