2021 Planner Lineup – How I’m Using SIX Planners

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It’s that time again! Today is the last day of 2020, and I’ve got my 2021 planner lineup all picked out, and even ordered one more planner to make it complete. I talked about all of this in my lineup video, which you can see below. Or, if you prefer you can read all about my planner choices here. I’ll have more information and inspiration for setting up these planners coming soon!

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2021 planner lineup

Here’s the video where I’m sharing this lineup-

2021 Happy Planners

My first two planners I’m using will be combined into a Happy Planner Transformer Planner, and they are my undated fitness Happy Planner and my new Star Gazer vertical Happy Planner that I just recently picked up. The Star Gazer Happy Planner is going to be used for tracking goals, journaling, gratitude, etc… I’ve mentioned that I’m using The 12 Week Year principles for my goals and plans, and this book is where I’m tracking all of that. This book will likely live on my bedside table, and really be referenced once a week for updating and tracking goals, and daily just for filling out my fitness planner for the next day, and for gratitude.

2021 Ring Bound Planner

My ring bound planner that I’m using this year is an A5 size. Right now I’m using a Carpe Diem binder, but I have several that I like, so I’m sure that will change throughout the year. I’ve really got to update the setup on this with some new divider tabs and some new pocket accessories from my Planner Envy boxes. In this planner I’m including a section for-

I may also be creating a master reference section for our finances, too.

2021 Erin Condren Vertical Planner

I’m using the remainder of one of my 2020-2021 Erin Condren vertical planners to keep track of all of my plans for social media this year. This is the first year that I’ve got a planner dedicated to this, or that I’m really planning out social media content, but I think it is going to be a huge help and keep me organized and consistent with my accounts.

2021 Erin Condren Deluxe Monthly Planner

Next, I’m using a 2021 Erin Condren Deluxe Monthly Planner for our budget. I’ve been back and forth on how I was going to plan for and keep track of our budget this year, but in the end I decided to go back to my favorite Deluxe Monthly Planner from Erin Condren for that. I’ve planned my budget this way for the last few years and it really works well for me. Hopefully soon I’ll be sharing an updated look at how I use this planner for budgeting.

2021 Erin Condren Daily Duo Planner

Finally, I’ll be using an Erin Condren Daily Duo. This planner is going to be my content planner for my business, and a catch all planner to plan out my days working from home. I shared how I do time blocking in Google calendar, and then I also love planning out each day in the Daily Duo because of the hourly blocks. It’s a great place to combine work tasks and life for an overall view of my day, and this is my main planner that I’ll be using. I’ve been using the Daily Duo consistently for most of 2020 and I’m really loving this planner.

I’ve also ordered a 7th planner- a second Deluxe Monthly Planner to keep track of business projects, notes, and more. Hopefully that planner will be in soon.

I hope you enjoyed this look at my 2021 planner lineup. Be sure to stay tuned for more updates on how I’m setting up these planners and using them in 2021, and subscribe to my Youtube channel to see them in action. Sign up for my email list to get notified about new posts and videos, plus access to my free printable libraries-


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